Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Berkualitas

Mewujudkan SDM profesional melalui pelatihan dan manajemen yang efektif dan efisien.

Tingkatkan keterampilan melalui workshop yang interaktif.

Sosialisasi untuk memahami tata kelola jabatan fungsional.

Dapatkan pengetahuan terbaru tentang tata kelola jabatan.

A workshop session is taking place in a conference room. Several people are seated around tables with water bottles in front of them, while a speaker stands near a whiteboard and speaks to the audience. A large screen displays a presentation or document, and another person sits near the screen. The room is well-lit and the atmosphere appears professional.
A workshop session is taking place in a conference room. Several people are seated around tables with water bottles in front of them, while a speaker stands near a whiteboard and speaks to the audience. A large screen displays a presentation or document, and another person sits near the screen. The room is well-lit and the atmosphere appears professional.
A group of people are attending a workshop focused on capacity building for instructors. The event is held in Padang and organized by various organizations, as indicated by the logos on the banner. A speaker in a red shirt is addressing the audience from a podium, while participants sit at round tables with water bottles and notes in front of them.
A group of people are attending a workshop focused on capacity building for instructors. The event is held in Padang and organized by various organizations, as indicated by the logos on the banner. A speaker in a red shirt is addressing the audience from a podium, while participants sit at round tables with water bottles and notes in front of them.
A workshop setting features two men seated on chairs, one wearing a hat and the other a cap. A young person lies on the ground with a dog next to them. Tools, a red vehicle, and various workshop items are in the background.
A workshop setting features two men seated on chairs, one wearing a hat and the other a cap. A young person lies on the ground with a dog next to them. Tools, a red vehicle, and various workshop items are in the background.

Tentang Harapan Amar Jaya


Menjadi Lembaga profesional dalam pengembangan Sumber daya Manusia guna mewujudkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkualitas.


  1. Penyedia Sumber Daya manusia dan Manajemen Fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia

  2. Pelatihan kerja Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi perusahaan

  3. Pelatihan Kerja bisnis dan manajemen Perusahaan

  4. Pelatihan kerja Perusahaan lainnya

  5. Pendidikan dan pelatihan Pemerintahan

A large group of people, consisting of both men and women, are gathered in a room. Some are sitting on chairs while others are standing around them. The room seems to be set up for a professional training or workshop, as indicated by a banner in the background. The environment appears formal, with a presentation screen and tables with documents and water bottles.
A large group of people, consisting of both men and women, are gathered in a room. Some are sitting on chairs while others are standing around them. The room seems to be set up for a professional training or workshop, as indicated by a banner in the background. The environment appears formal, with a presentation screen and tables with documents and water bottles.
Visi dan Misi
Mengembangkan Sumber Daya

Ruang lingkup Kegiatan

1. Penyedia Sumber Daya manusia dan Manajemen Fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia

a. Pelatihan kompensasi Perusahaan/karyawan

b. Pelatihan Pajak Perusahaan

2. Pelatihan kerja Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi perusahaan a. Pelatihan Networking, Technical Support, dan Computer engineering

b. Pelatihan Programming, Multimedia, data base dan system analyst

c. Pelatihan IT Governancee, Public Relation, Publik Speaking

3. Pelatihan Kerja bisnis dan manajemen Perusahaan

a. Pelatihan Sekretaris, administrasi perkantoran , ICT For secretary,

b. Pelatihan Keuangan , Tata Niaga , Promosi Produktivitas dan Bimbingan konsultasi

c. Pelatihan pengukuran Produktivitas, manajemen peningkatan produktifitas dan kewirausahaan

4. Pelatihan kerja Perusahaan lainnya

a. Pelatihan metodologi pelatihan kerja, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3)

b. Pelatihan Motivasi dan Pengembangan diri, pengembangan karier

c. Pelatihan neuro languange programming,

5. Pendidikan dan pelatihan Pemerintahan

a. Pelatihan Manajamen PNS

1) Pelatihan Perencanaan dan Pengadaan PNS 2) Pelatihan Manajemen Karier PNS

3) Pelatihan Manajemen Kinerja PNS

4) Pelatihan Manajemen Talenta PNS

5) Pelatahan Kompensasi dan Kesejahteraan PNS

6) Pelatihan manajemen Pemberhentian dan Pensiun

7) Pelatihana Manajemen Disiplin dan Perlindungan PNS

8) Pelatiahan Analisis Jabatan (ANJAB) dan Analisis Beban Kerja (ABK)

9) Pelatihan Sistim Pemerintahan

10) Pelatihan Keuangan

11) Pelatihan Pemerintahan Desa

12) Pelatihan Barang dan Jasa

13) Bimbingan Belajar (BIMBEL)

b. Pelatihan Manajemen PPPK

Layanan Kami

Kami menyediakan sosialisasi dan workshop untuk tata kelola jabatan fungsional yang efektif.

Sosialisasi Jabatan

Menyediakan informasi dan pelatihan mengenai tata kelola jabatan fungsional untuk meningkatkan kinerja.

Several people are gathered in a workshop, focusing on a central wooden workbench surrounded by various tools, wood planks, and shelves filled with materials. The setting is industrial with a rough concrete floor and walls adorned with assorted papers and items.
Several people are gathered in a workshop, focusing on a central wooden workbench surrounded by various tools, wood planks, and shelves filled with materials. The setting is industrial with a rough concrete floor and walls adorned with assorted papers and items.
Workshop Tata Kelola

Mengadakan workshop interaktif untuk membekali peserta dengan keterampilan dalam tata kelola jabatan fungsional.

Program pelatihan berkelanjutan untuk mendukung pengembangan kompetensi jabatan fungsional secara menyeluruh.
A formal panel discussion taking place at the World Economic Forum. Several individuals are seated in a circle, engaging in conversation while a small audience observes. Two screens display the text 'Making Globalization 4.0 Work for All'. The participants appear to be business professionals or academics.
A formal panel discussion taking place at the World Economic Forum. Several individuals are seated in a circle, engaging in conversation while a small audience observes. Two screens display the text 'Making Globalization 4.0 Work for All'. The participants appear to be business professionals or academics.
Two people are engaged in a collaborative workshop setting. They are smiling and appear to be working on a project with various tools and equipment on the table. The walls feature an organized display of tools.
Two people are engaged in a collaborative workshop setting. They are smiling and appear to be working on a project with various tools and equipment on the table. The walls feature an organized display of tools.

Pelatihan Berkelanjutan

Workshop yang sangat bermanfaat! Saya mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan baru tentang tata kelola jabatan fungsional. Terima kasih, Harapan Amar Jaya!

Budi Santoso

A group of people are gathered around a table covered with papers, pens, and sticky notes. They appear to be engaged in a collaborative activity or workshop, focused and discussing ideas. The setting suggests an indoor environment with shelves and posters in the background.
A group of people are gathered around a table covered with papers, pens, and sticky notes. They appear to be engaged in a collaborative activity or workshop, focused and discussing ideas. The setting suggests an indoor environment with shelves and posters in the background.


Proyek Kami

Kami menyelenggarakan sosialisasi dan workshop tata kelola jabatan.

A group of people are gathered around a table in a well-lit room, engaging in a collaborative activity. Some are seated while others stand, focused on the task at hand. Bottles of water, electronic devices, and paperwork are present on the table. The room features multiple tables, chairs, and shelves in the background, suggesting a workshop or classroom setting.
A group of people are gathered around a table in a well-lit room, engaging in a collaborative activity. Some are seated while others stand, focused on the task at hand. Bottles of water, electronic devices, and paperwork are present on the table. The room features multiple tables, chairs, and shelves in the background, suggesting a workshop or classroom setting.
Workshop Tata

Pelatihan untuk pengembangan jabatan fungsional yang efektif.

A large group of people are gathered in a conference room for a 'Sensitivity Training' session. Most attendees are wearing face masks. The room is decorated with chandeliers and a large screen displaying the title of the seminar. Attendees are dressed in various colorful garments.
A large group of people are gathered in a conference room for a 'Sensitivity Training' session. Most attendees are wearing face masks. The room is decorated with chandeliers and a large screen displaying the title of the seminar. Attendees are dressed in various colorful garments.
Sosialisasi Jabatan

Meningkatkan pemahaman tentang tata kelola jabatan fungsional.

Two individuals are in a workshop-like setting. One person, dressed in a green jacket and grey cap, with a mask, gestures with an outstretched arm, possibly discussing or explaining something. The other person, wearing a two-toned shirt, appears to be listening attentively. The background features partially constructed or decorative panels and tools, suggesting a construction or carpentry environment.
Two individuals are in a workshop-like setting. One person, dressed in a green jacket and grey cap, with a mask, gestures with an outstretched arm, possibly discussing or explaining something. The other person, wearing a two-toned shirt, appears to be listening attentively. The background features partially constructed or decorative panels and tools, suggesting a construction or carpentry environment.
A group of people sits under a colorful tent made of red, yellow, and orange fabric. They appear to be attending a workshop or class. A chalkboard on the left lists a schedule with topics like 'Food as Medicine' and 'Healthy Lifestyle.' The participants sit on mats and blankets, listening to someone speaking at the front. The atmosphere is casual and relaxed with shoes and personal items placed on the grass nearby.
A group of people sits under a colorful tent made of red, yellow, and orange fabric. They appear to be attending a workshop or class. A chalkboard on the left lists a schedule with topics like 'Food as Medicine' and 'Healthy Lifestyle.' The participants sit on mats and blankets, listening to someone speaking at the front. The atmosphere is casual and relaxed with shoes and personal items placed on the grass nearby.
Pelatihan Khusus

Program pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pegawai.

Kegiatan Rutin

Sesi berkala untuk pembaruan informasi dan keterampilan.